Sunday, September 14, 2008

Finally, it starts

Welcome All, to my very first blog entry. It is indeed a pleasure to have you here.

This post is titled as "Finally, it starts" and the best thing is that I didn't had to think even once before naming the post like this. As you must have guessed from the name, this blog took a painfully long time coming and I am certainly mighty relieved now that the first step is taken. I have been thinking about unleashing my thoughts on the world for ages now (C'mon, why should only I suffer? :) ), but as they say, just like good food, all good things take time!!!

Hmm... The next question that is staring me: What should I write about? I thought about envionmental issues, stock markets, bollywood movies, sports, restaurants etc etc etc? But considering the fact that I'm not one of those "experts" who come on TV to give their useless point of view, I think that the best option for me will be to make a khichdi of all these topics and write about things that I see, the way I see. This can be my way of contributing to the society. Who knows, the big idea of tomorrow might come from one of these posts (hehe, now you know that I've really very high regards for myself).

Gr8 then. We have a location(this blog) and an idea...So letz get started. I'll soon start posting about anything and everything of my life. So just stay tuned for more. And yes, a hearty thanks for reading all through this.


P.S: To all those people, who are being "forced" to read this (just coz I'm standing next to them), you need to post a comment saying "Great Post Mohit"!!! :)

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

"Great Post Mohit"!!! :)